The Most Common Signs and Symptoms of Mold Infestation at Home

Mold Infestation

Let’s be honest: it’s rare when a house doesn’t have some mold growing in it. However, what is worrisome is if the mold infestation becomes dangerous and widespread enough to affect the house’s overall integrity, including the health of all the people living in it. However, mold does not just creep up on you like a ‘50s horror movie monster. If you know what to look for, you will be able to spot problematic mold infestations before they become more widespread. 

The symptoms

An acute allergy is the human body’s response to mold. If you learn more about the side effects of mold infestation, it becomes easier to prevent them in the first place. If you have the following symptoms and they’re not clearing up, you may be dealing with a mold infestation in your home.

  • Asthma
  • Coughing
  • Itchiness
  • Runny nose
  • Sneezing 
  • Sore eyes
  • Sore throat

As you can see, these symptoms resemble an allergy attack. Make sure to seek medical advice immediately as you may be dealing with more dangerous kinds of mold, like toxic black mold. 

The signs

As we are now counting down mold signs and symptoms, let us first figure out what we can observe with our senses. 

  • Moldy, musty smell. If you get that moldy smell, what you should do is find out where it is the strongest, and chances are, that’s where the mold is. If you feel there are two or more places in the house where the moldy smell is particularly intense, then it’s probable that you have more than one target area. 
  • Visual sighting. Most people can actually see signs of mold but don’t know that they are. That’s because mold can be innocuous. They can look like water stains or caked-up dirt near piping or in dark areas, and they can look like dirt between bathroom tiles. You’d have to look closely at such things to see if they look organic, slimy, or powdery by nature. 
  • Humidity. Molds need a lot of water to flourish. Any time humidity goes above 60%, there’s a good chance that molds can thrive by taking the moisture out of the air. Check the basement and other spaces where water pipes go through to see if it feels humid. If it does, you should inspect the area to see if mold colonies are beginning to grow. 
  • Condensation. This is caused by water re-forming on or near an object that is relatively colder than the surroundings. Even if your pipes are perfectly sealed, you may still get “leaks” made from condensed water. The risks for molds taking advantage of condensation are the same as for high humidity levels. 
  • Flooding. If your house has been flooded in the past and ended up being wet for more than 24 hours, then it’s possible for mold to grow on carpets, wooden furniture, and wooden fixtures in the house. 


Mold infestation is no joke, as its presence can negatively impact your home’s structural integrity and your health. If you seem to be having an extended allergy attack that gets worse when you are at home, then it’s time to call in a mold inspector to see if molds are taking over the place.