Reasons Why Your Home Isn’t Selling


If you have listed your home for sale, you have probably noticed that you are dealing with a very tough market. This is probably because nowadays, people who are looking to buy a house have so many tools at their disposal to find the perfect home. This means that you are competing with other houses for sale that are larger, newer, or simply offer exactly what the buyer is looking for. While years ago a buyer was dependent on a broker who showed them only certain houses. These days, a buyer can become familiar with the entire inventory without leaving their home.

Despite these odds, you still want to sell your house, and after thirty days on the market or more, you may be wondering what’s wrong with it and what you can do about it. Here are some possibilities:

You Have Priced It Too High

If you have listed your home for sale, you have probably noticed that you are dealing with a very tough market. This is probably because nowadays, people who are looking to buy a house have so many tools at their disposal to find the perfect home. This means that you are competing with other houses for sale that are larger, newer, or simply offer exactly what the buyer is looking for. While years ago a buyer was dependent on a broker who showed them only certain houses. These days, a buyer can become familiar with the entire inventory without leaving their home.

Despite these odds, you still want to sell your house, and after thirty days on the market or more, you may be wondering what’s wrong with it and what you can do about it. Here are some possibilities:

You Have Priced It Too High

This may be obvious since you have not received an offer. But it happens to many homeowners who have fallen in love with their property and are convinced that anyone walking through it should feel the same way. To find the right price, ask a broker for advice or take the time to study the local market and find out how much comparable homes have sold for.

Your Home May Have an Unconventional Design

Even though home buyers claim not to want a cookie-cutter house, finding a buyer for a house that does not fit the mold may also be complicated. To get interested buyers, you may have to change your marketing strategy to appeal to the right people. Remember what appealed to you when you bought the house.

Your Staging May Not Show the House in its Best Light

Even though you are not selling the furniture but the house, it is important for buyers to visualize the spaces in a way that convinces them to buy. Not placing the furniture in an attractive way may emphasize your home’s flaws. Focus on painting a wall if it needs it, decluttering when there is too much stuff, and even packing several boxes and putting them in storage to make the house feel open and airy to attract more buyers.

Your Home Does Not have Good Curb Appeal

Having good curb appeal is like an invitation for people to come into your house.  When you talk about giving a good first impression, curb appeal is precisely what you should be thinking about. An overgrown yard or rundown fence sends a message to potential buyers that the inside of the home probably looks the same way and it’s not worth their time or effort. You don’t have to spend an enormous amount to make the curb appeal better, but a coat of paint and some flowers and bushes may make enough of a difference to get you the sale.

When you have tried fixing all of the above, and your home is still not selling, you may want to look for a different path and sell your home to a cash buyer. By going to, you may find out more about the options available to a homeowner who wants to go this route. If your house is not selling, this may be an attractive way to get it off your hands.