How to Care for Indoor Plants

indoor plants

Plants are some of the most wonderful things to have inside any building. Whether it’s your bedroom or your office, indoor plants can enhance the beauty of any interior almost instantly. However, one common issue that most plants and gardening newbies have, in general, is that they wilt and die very soon. This is an issue that has plagued many new indoor plant enthusiasts for a pretty long time and people have discovered some nifty tricks to keep their plants alive.

If you’ve been struggling to make sure that all of your plants survive then this article will be of immense help to you as we’re going to explore how one should ideally be caring for their indoor plants. With the knowledge you gain from here, you’ll know exactly what to do and more importantly, what not to do. So without any further delay, let’s get to it and find out exactly what kind of care indoor plants need.

1. Watering

Water is one of the most important things that plants need to survive, other than light. However, too much of this essential resource could spell disaster for your indoor plants as their roots will start to rot. The soil should preferably be moist but not wet, however, there are some niche plants like succulents that have completely different requirements. You have to learn your plant’s specific needs and then tend to them accordingly. Water has always been a tricky issue since too much or too little of it can cause problems. This can only be dealt with by a little research about your plants so that you know exactly what each of them needs.

2. Observation

The most powerful tool that you have at hand in the case of growing plants is observation. You need to constantly be aware of their current state. If your plant is reacting differently to the tap water as compared to the purified water, you need to immediately change the source. This is not random advice, as specialists who provide Indoor Plant Hire services also cite observation as the key to a healthy indoor plant. Aside from the type of water, bugs, pests, and inappropriate substrate can also cause poor health to your greenery. However, you can only do this if you’re keen enough to know about the small visible changes on them.

3. Lighting

Other than water, your indoor plants demand only one other thing continuously which is proper lighting. The intensity of light that a plant should be exposed to depends on its genetics and its ability to photosynthesize light. However, many newbies make the mistake of assuming that their plants might be yellowing due to poor lighting when in fact, it’s due to excessive lighting. Learn about the plant and only try to provide as much light as the plant needs, no more and no less.

These are some of the most important care tips you need to remember if you want your indoor plants to thrive. The issues pointed out here are the most common ones that affect a plant’s health and there are many other factors like drainage and fertility of the soil as well. Being a new plant owner can be both exciting and discouraging if you make these mistakes but with the help of this guide, you can be mindful of what you do to your plants.