These Household Appliances Are Raising Your Electric Bill

source: Zhenikeyev/iStock

I hate wasting energy as much as the next person. I always switch off the light before leaving a room. I think that habit originates from my childhood. My parents used to say, “Turn off the light when you leave the room!” and I have become the same as my mom, following my children around to make sure they turn off the light. There’s a reason for this, okay? It is not easy to save electricity, especially at a time when everything is expensive in the market. That is why I unplug some devices when they are not in use because they still consume power even when they are switched off but plugged in. I’m serious. I remove my charger from the socket when my phone is not charging. Such small things do count in the end.

Did you know that some of the appliances that you use at home consume more power than others? They are really using up a lot of our electricity without us even noticing it.

source: Flickr

The Usual Suspects: Appliances That Are Causing High Electricity Bills

First of all, let’s discuss the refrigerator. This bad boy is always on the run. I mean, we expect it to, right? It is used to keep our food fresh and our ice cream from becoming a liquid. However, since it is always on, it can consume a lot of power. If your fridge is older, it is most probably less efficient than modern fridges. The old refrigerators in the garage? They’re probably consuming energy like there’s no tomorrow.

Up next, the air conditioner. Oh, how nice it is to feel the breeze in the summer heat. But have you ever noticed how your electricity bill increases during the summer months? That’s your AC working overtime to keep your house comfortable. It is a necessary part of life but that doesn’t mean it has to be difficult and time consuming.

source: Pexels

Devices such as Televisions, game consoles, and audio/video devices seem quite harmless but they can greatly affect your electricity bill. Today’s TVs, particularly those with large screens and high definition, are power guzzlers. It is a well-known fact that game consoles are energy guzzlers even when they are switched on or in the standby mode. Other devices that use electricity include audio/video devices such as surround sound systems and streaming boxes. These devices may not be very obvious, but they can use a lot of energy when added together. To reduce your bill, avoid using these appliances when they are not necessary, use the energy star certified models and regulate their use by switching them off when they are not in use or by using power strips.

Last but not least, let us consider the water heater. Whether you are taking a hot shower, washing dishes, or doing laundry, that water heater is working behind the scenes. This is one of the largest energy costs that a household incurs based on its consumption.

source: Pexels

How to Determine Which Appliances Consume the Most Power

So, how can you determine which appliances are consuming the most electricity in the house? One option is to get an energy monitor. These devices can be connected directly to appliances in order to determine the energy consumption of each appliance. You may be shocked by the numbers. The first time I plugged in the energy monitor and saw how much energy the dryer was consuming left me stunned. It was like watching money burn.

source: Pexels

You can also check on the energy star rating of your appliances. Most of the modern models come with energy star ratings which can help you estimate the amount of power they will consume. If you are still using the old microwave that you got from your parents, then it may be time for an upgrade.

Another tip is to check your electricity bill to see if there is a section that shows how much power you are using. Some of the utility companies provide usage reports that can help you know where you are using energy. You might notice that you have high charges at specific times of the year, which may indicate which devices are responsible for increased consumption.

What Can Be Done to Stop the Energy Drain?

So, how can we prevent this energy loss? So let’s begin with the fridge. Ensure that there are no gaps through which cold air can enter the room. If you have an old fridge, it is advisable to replace it with a newer and more energy-efficient one. Also, ensure that it is always fully stocked – a full fridge stays colder than an empty one.

source: Flickr

For the air conditioner, it is advisable to service it often. It is recommended to clean or replace the filters frequently and you should also think about getting a programmable thermostat. This way, you can set it to cool your house only when you are at home. I program mine to begin cooling an hour before I get back from work, and it is just right.

For the water heater, you can reduce the temperature to about 120 degrees Fahrenheit. It is still warm enough for most applications but it is much more efficient in terms of energy consumption. Also, you should insulate the water heater and the first few feet of the hot water pipes so that heat is not lost.

Another thing I do is the utilization of the smart power strips. These can switch off the power to items that are in standby mode. You know, like the TV or game console that’s off but still has a little red light on? That’s still using electricity. That waste can be avoided with the help of a smart power strip.

source: Flickr

Of course, there are also such things as good old-fashioned habits. Switch off lights when leaving a room, remove chargers and other devices from the socket when not in use, and use energy-saving bulbs. I’ve even started drying some of my clothes naturally to reduce the usage of the dryer. It takes a bit more work, but it is definitely worth it to see the difference in my bill.

In the end, every little bit counts. Knowing which appliances consume more power and managing to use them less can help you save a lot of money on electricity bills. Also, you will be contributing to the protection of the environment, and that is always a good thing in my book.