Here’s Why You Might Want to Reconsider Washing Eggs Before Cooking


Today, we’re cracking open the egg debate (pun intended) and delving into the age-old question: should you wash eggs before cooking? It might surprise you to learn that the answer isn’t as straightforward as it seems.

So, why do people wash eggs in the first place? Well, some do it out of habit, while others believe it’s a necessary step to ensure cleanliness. But here’s the thing – eggs come equipped with a natural shield known as the “cuticle” or “egg bloom.” Think of it as the egg’s own built-in armor against bacteria and other nasties.

The cuticle is a thin, protective coating that seals the pores of the eggshell, preventing bacteria from entering and reducing moisture loss. It’s like the egg’s way of saying, “I’ve got this!” So, when you wash an egg, you’re essentially stripping away its armor, leaving it more vulnerable.

Now, you might be wondering about salmonella, that notorious party crasher in the world of eggs. Here’s the lowdown – the risk of salmonella is minimal when it comes to intact, unwashed eggs. The cuticle acts as a natural barrier, making it harder for bacteria to penetrate the shell.

source: Getty Images/iStockphoto

But what if you’re worried about salmonella? Fear not! Boiling eggs can be your trusty sidekick in this culinary adventure. When you boil an egg, you not only cook it to perfection but also reduce the risk of salmonella contamination. The high temperatures involved in boiling help eliminate any potential bacteria lurking on the shell’s surface.

Now, I know what you’re thinking – “But won’t the boiling water seep through the pores?” Ah, my inquisitive friend, that’s where the egg’s ingenious design comes into play. The membrane inside the shell acts as an additional barrier, preventing water from infiltrating the egg.

In the grand scheme of things, the decision to wash or not to wash eggs before cooking ultimately depends on your comfort level and the source of your eggs. If you’re getting them from a reliable source and practicing proper egg-handling hygiene, you might just want to let those eggs be.

Whether you choose to wash or not, just remember – eggs are pretty remarkable in their own right. So, the next time you’re whipping up a delicious omelet or a batch of deviled eggs, give a nod to the humble egg and its protective cuticle, and enjoy your kitchen adventures!