Whimsical Iowa ‘Ladybug Garden’ Is Like Something Out Of A Storybook

source: Flea Market Gardening

Have you ever seen such a charming garden? Located in Unionville, Iowa, the Snodgrass sisters created this display of “Love Bugs” at the town’s only crossroads. The sisters decorate the bugs for each season, and the display has become a sort of local attraction.

The sisters created this lovely display by removing the hard top from the main bug, filling it with dirt, and planting a garden in it. The main bug is also joined by a family of smaller bugs, and together, they’re pretty much the cutest little family ever!

Although finding discarded VW bugs is no easy feat, they are out there! So if the Snodgrass sisters’ project is something you’d like to replicate in your own garden, start searching and let those creative wheels turn! This is the kind of display that just puts a smile on your face the second you see it. I wish every town had something like it!

source: Flea Market Gardening