9 Tips To Ensure Your Family Camping Trip Is Safe And Fun

source: Modern Parents Messy Kids

Camping allows a person to experience the great outdoors in a way we don’t often get to while living in the city. I can’t wait for my kids to be old enough to go on camping trips – my husband and I are so excited to immerse them in the traditions we experienced as children ourselves! If you’re planning a family camping trip this summer (dogs included!), make sure you check out these important tips to ensure your camping experience is fun and most importantly, safe.

1. Monitor The Weather

source: SunnySports

We all know how unpredictable the weather can sometimes be. A light drizzle isn’t reason to cancel your camping trip. But if you see that a big thunderstorm is expected during your camping trip, it might be best to postpone it. Storms can pose certain dangers, in addition to leaving you with an extremely soggy tent.

2. Dress In Layers

source: Matador Network

When camping, mornings and nights can be extremely cold, while during the day can be sweltering. In addition to packing bathing suits, shorts, and other light clothing, you should ensure you’re packing pants, long-sleeve shirts, and a jacket, too.

3. Clean Up Your Campsite

source: Coleman Canada

This is the oldest rule in the book – and for a reason! It’s vital that you keep your campsite clean and store garbage in either airtight containers or strung from trees. Not only does food and garbage attract insects, but it can also attract potentially dangerous animals like bears, wolves, and mountain lions.

4. Food Safety

source: Mother Nature Network

When bringing food on a camping trip, ensure you have a way of keeping meat, produce, and dairy products as cold as they would be in a refrigerator. It’s also important to keep food in sealed or locked containers so that you don’t attract animals. When you go to cook your food, ensure you’re cooking it thoroughly and properly. Nothing ruins a camping trip like a bad case of food poisoning, especially when you’re far from home.

5. Know Your Plants

source: Medical Daily

Before heading out on your camping trip, it’s a good idea to research poisonous plants such as poison ivy and poison oak. If you know what to look out for, there’s a greater chance that you and your family won’t come in direct contact with poisonous plants.

6. Research Your Campsite

source: Dick’s Pro Tips

Don’t just book any old campsite before doing your research. If you plan to camp with a trailer or RV, ensure there is hydro and electricity hookups at your site. You’ll also want to keep in mind if your campsite has public washrooms/showers, security, and what the campsite’s proximity is to important services like a hospital. Everyone’s camping preferences are different, but be sure the campsite you’re booking is a match for you.

7. Keep Your Pup On A Leash

source: Life With Mutts

When camping with your dog, ensure you have it on a leash at all times. The last thing you want is for your dog to get lost out in the wilderness, or to get in a fight with another dog on the campsite. On that note, make sure that your campsite is dog-friendly and that you know the dog-related rules before booking.

8. Watch For Heatstroke

source: The Bedford Citizen

If it’s a hot, sunny day, be sure you take every precaution to avoid getting heatstroke or sunstroke. Dress in light clothing, wear lots of sunscreen, stay in the shade as much as possible, and ensure you’re drinking lots of fluids.

9. Pack Lots Of Bedding

source: Wirecutter

At the end of a long day outdoors, you don’t want to go to sleep on the rock-hard ground beneath your tent. Sleeping pads or inflatable mattresses are a must, and so are your favorite pillows and warm blankets.

Now that you know these simple yet important tips, you’ll be well on your way to making amazing camping memories for years to come!