6 Pictures Of Kids That Parents Should Avoid Sharing On Social Media
When I was growing up, social media didn’t exist. Parents snapped photos of their children, got them printed, and stuck them in a photo album. In today’s world, smartphones capture a child’s every move and their face is plastered across multiple social media platforms. Whether you decide to post photos of your kids online is totally your choice, but there are multiple types of pictures of your children you shouldn’t be posting in order to keep them safe.
1. Naked Baby Photos
While that cute picture of your baby’s bare bum in the bathtub may indeed be adorable, there are so many child predators lurking online who are searching for images exactly like this. Any photos of your child in the bathroom or semi-nude/nude shouldn’t be shared online ever. These photos could also stand to seriously embarrass your child as they get older.
2. Photos Of Tantrums/Punishment
We’ve all seen or heard of those viral videos of a child’s tantrum or parent punishing their kid on YouTube or Facebook. Recording tantrums, punishments, or instances of the sort is humiliating to the child in question, not to mention downright inappropriate. Videos and photos like this can result in severe bullying, depression, and other negative effects.
3. Photos Of Other People’s Kids
You should never, ever post a photo online of someone else’s child without their permission. It’s not fair to assume that other parents are totally fine with pictures of their children floating around the internet.
4. Photos Of Academic Degrees
Even though you’re super proud of your child’s academic accomplishments, it’s dangerous to post photos of their degrees, diplomas, etc. Having this kind of personal information available on the internet leaves your kids susceptible to fraud and identity theft down the road.
5. Photos Including Geotags
Posting a photo with a geotag allows criminals and other dangerous people to access your child’s frequented locations. It goes without saying that this is extremely dangerous, so if you are posting photos of your child, turn off the geotag setting.
6. Photos Your Child Asks You Not To Post
If your child explicitly asks you not to post a photo online or to remove a photo, it’s important that you respect their wishes. If the photo showcases your child, it’s your child’s right to not want it posted and shared online.