The Perks Of Walking For Just 15 Minutes Each Day

Life can be chaotic, and so it’s easy to make excuses for not going to the gym. However, exercise is an important part of staying healthy, and you don’t need to attend spin classes or run sprints in order to keep fit. Science has shown that just 15 minutes of walking each day can have a dramatic impact on your health.

source: AARP / Gettyimages

According to the American Heart Association, healthy adults should partake in 30 minutes of moderately intense exercise (such as brisk walking) five days a week. However, they say that this time can be broken up into smaller, more intense bouts of exercise. A 15-minute walk at a quick pace is about 2,000 steps. And studies have shown that people who take more steps throughout the day are at a lower risk for heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and other health problems.

Of course, if you can get more than 15 minutes of walking in each day, then you should. However, 15 minutes of brisk daily walking can assist in weight loss, better cardio, increased heart health, and more mobile joints. If you walk outside, you’ll be able to enjoy fresh air and sunshine, both of which elevate serotonin levels and improve mood.

source: Health & Fitness Cheat Sheet /

The key to these daily 15-minute walks is to make them enjoyable for yourself. If you have a treadmill at home, you can listen to music or watch TV while you’re walking. If you prefer to walk outside, you can also listen to music, and ensure that you pick a route that’s visually appealing and interesting. We are the only advocates for our health, and we need to take care of our bodies in every way we can. And walking is a great place to start.