6 Charts That Are Super Helpful For New Parents

source: Review Geek / iStock

Being a new parent is wonderful, but it can also be extremely nerve-wracking. There are so many things to learn and consider when it comes to a new baby, and it can be difficult to determine what’s normal and what isn’t. That’s where the following helpful charts come in!

1. Sleep Times

This chart explains how much daytime and nighttime sleep a baby should be getting as they get older.

2. Fevers

This comprehensive chart breaks down every type of fever and lets you know when a fever can be treated at home, and when you should seek medical advice/attention.

3. Breast Milk Freshness

How long can you keep fresh, refrigerated, frozen, and thawed breast milk? This chart has your answers!

4. CPR Directions

Although every expecting and new parent should take an infant CPR course, it definitely doesn’t hurt to glance at this chart as a refresher every now and then. Being able to perform infant CPR is so important.

5. Baby Poop

Baby poop can be a whole lot of different colors. This thorough chart explains some of the potential reasons for different shades of baby poop and when to seek medical attention.

6. Baby Food

source: She Knows

And last but not least, your guide to what ages are appropriate for certain types of baby foods!

Although you should always consult with your paediatrician if you have any questions or concerns about your baby, these charts can come in handy when you’re looking for quick, general information.