6 Health-Related Effects Of Eating Peanut Butter

sources: Shape / Getty Images / Medium

I would go so far as to say I’m basically addicted to peanut butter. Whether it’s on toast, in smoothies, or with crackers, peanut butter is just so delicious-tasting to me. However, there are a number of things (both positive and negative) that can happen to your body when you eat peanut butter.

1. Skin Problems

Women who suffer from hormonal acne might want to stay away from peanut butter in the days leading up to their period. Peanut butter is high in androgens, which can make hormone levels even more imbalanced and lead to worse acne.

2. Bloating

Many people report feeling bloated after eating peanut butter. Why? Well, peanut butter has no omega-3s (which reduce inflammation) and is generally high in sugar (which promotes inflammation). To prevent bloating, opt for a natural peanut butter or one with added omega-3s.

3. Weight Gain

Peanut butter is great, but it’s also full of fats and sugar that can make you gain weight if you eat even a moderate amount of it on a regular basis.

4. Promotes Energy

Feeling sluggish? Just have a spoonful of peanut butter. Not only is peanut butter full of protein and good fats, but it also contains Vitamin B, which helps to boost energy levels.

5. Healthier Heart

source: SBS

Many studies have shown that people who regularly eat nuts (and in turn, peanut butter) have a lesser chance of contracting heart disease and diabetes.

6. Reduces The Risk Of Child Allergies

source: Time / iStock

Pregnant women who consume peanut butter almost every day could have a lesser chance of their baby being born with a peanut allergy.