How To Clean A Dishwasher Filter For Sparkling Clean Dishes Every Time

source: Home Made Simple

I’m going to come clean – no pun intended. I’ve never thought to look at our dishwasher filter until now. Mind you, it is only about a year old, but checking and cleaning the filter is just something I’ve never thought to do. However, I recently came across some articles about how important it is to clean the filter, so I went to check mine. And what I found in there was downright disgusting. Not only is it important to clean your dishwasher filter for hygienic reasons, but it also makes a huge difference in how your dishwasher performs.

source: Maytag

I’ve always thought the leftover food residue on my dishes just magically disappears into the dishwasher every time I hit the “on” button. In reality, your dishwasher’s filter is sucking up all of that food residue, and that’s where it remains until you pull it out to clean it. Before looking for the filter, you should read the owner’s manual that you can find online at for free, and with very clear explanations so you can ensure you don’t have a self-cleaning filter, although these aren’t really the norm.

source: Decimal Reviews | youtube

Most dishwasher filters are located towards the back of the dishwasher, on the base of the appliance under the bottom rack. With the majority of dishwashers, all you have to do is slide the rack forward, twist the filter, and pull up. Once you’ve located and removed the filter, it’s time to give it a clean.

source: ProHousekeepers

Cleaning the filter is quick and easy. All you need to do is soak it in some warm, soapy water, then rinse clean. If your filter is extra gross, you may need to gently scrub away at it. Once clean, simply pop the filter back where you took it from, ensuring that any screen you removed with it is replaced as well. All done!

source: Homedit | istock

As a general rule of thumb, it’s best to clean your dishwasher filter about once a month. Cleaning the filter on a regular basis will help your dishwasher to run better, ensuring your dishes actually come out clean when the wash cycle is complete. Plus, performing these basic maintenance duties will help increase the lifespan of your dishwasher – and let’s face it, they are certainly not cheap! Well, what are you waiting for? Go and check that filter!