Here’s How Often To Clean Everything In Your Home

source: iStock

I think we’re all guilty of procrastinating cleaning our homes from time to time. But letting a pile of chores build up makes cleaning a very overwhelming task when it definitely doesn’t have to be. Life is busy, but if you sort cleaning tasks into some sort of a timeline, you’ll be able to keep on top of the list and have a clean home to show for it. Here are some suggestions for a cleaning schedule that will help you keep a clean and tidy home.

source: iStock

What to Clean Daily

There are certain areas of your home that should be cleaned daily. These are often high-traffic areas that can see a lot of spills, crumbs, and germs. Taking care of these small tasks helps prevent them from building up into one giant day of cleaning. Try to get in the habit of doing these things on a daily basis:

  • Wipe down kitchen counters and sink area
  • Wash dishes, empty and load the dishwasher
  • Make the beds
  • Do a quick vacuum or sweep of kitchen floors, bathroom floors, and other high-traffic areas
  • Do a general tidy – pick up dirty clothes, toys, papers, and any other odds and ends

What to Clean Weekly

These are important regular cleaning tasks, but ones that generally don’t have to be done more than once a week. These are good chores to get in the habit of doing on a weekend day or on a weeknight that’s not too busy.

  • Laundry – in addition to clothes, get in the habit of washing all bedding and towels once a week
  • Wipe down and disinfect all bathroom surfaces including counters, mirrors, showers, bathtubs, toilets, and the floors
  • Clean out the fridge in preparation for a fresh grocery shop
  • Do a thorough vacuum and mop of all floors
  • Wipe down kitchen appliances
  • Wipe down frequently used items like the microwave and coffee maker

What to Clean Monthly

Generally speaking, these are less important cleaning tasks that you can usually get away with doing once a month.

  • Vacuum and wipe down baseboards and vents
  • Vacuum and wipe down blinds and ceiling fans
  • Do a thorough dust of all surfaces, including light fixtures
  • Vacuum upholstered furniture with a handheld vacuum attachment

What to Clean Every Few Months

From my experience, these are cleaning tasks that we tend to forget about if not reminded. Here are some tasks to tackle every few months:

  • Thoroughly wipe down kitchen cabinets and your range hood
  • Move furniture and vacuum/mop underneath it
  • Clear out and wipe down the freezer
  • Clean the oven
  • Descale the kettle and coffee machine
  • Vacuum and deodorize mattresses
  • Clean outdoor patio furniture and railings
  • Wash the shower curtain and wipe down the liner

What to Clean Yearly

Once a year, it’s great to tackle these cleaning tasks. I always include these things in my list of spring cleaning.

  • Clean carpets and rugs – if you don’t own a carpet cleaner, rent one for a day!
  • Clean around the dryer vents
  • Clean all exterior windows
  • Wash curtains
  • Wipe down walls
  • Clean the gutters
  • Clean the fireplace

Although this may seem like a giant list of things to clean, when you put it on a schedule like the one above, it makes it far easier to work through. Hopefully these helpful reminders can help you keep your home clean and tidy without spending hours on end doing the work!