How To Make Homemade Pineapple Dole Whips


If you’ve ever enjoyed a Dole Whip before, then today is your lucky day. Dole Whips are one of the most popular things to eat when visiting Disneyland, but now, you can easily make one in the comfort of your own home. Dole Whips make for delicious and refreshing summer treats, and they can also be vegan-friendly depending on which ingredients you choose to use.

The best part about making your own Dole Whips is that they only involve two simple ingredients of course! However, don’t let this recipe’s simplicity fool you – it’s absolutely delicious and tastes just like the real deal.

This is a delicious treat (that also happens to be healthy), and it can be thrown together in just a couple of minutes. I know what I’ll be making for dessert tonight…! Click here for the full list of ingredients and directions.