Grandma Creates ‘Adventure Box’ For Her Grandkids’ Christmas Gift

source: Mum Central / Darlene Howell Waller/Facebook

I absolutely adore the holiday season, but it seems like as the years progress, gift giving gets that much harder. It can be extremely difficult to give people thoughtful gifts, and buying people material possessions that they’ll disregard in a couple of months is wasteful. So, it’s time to think outside of the box. Or more accurately, think about an adventure box.

Mum Central reported about one clever nonna (Italian grandma) who came up with a thoughtful and creative Christmas gift idea for her grandsons. Instead of buying her grandsons toys that they would forget about in a matter of days, she created an adventure box. This adventure box was filled with 12 brown paper envelopes, each one labeled and decorated. Each envelope contained an activity for the whole family to experience and enjoy together.

source: Mum Central / Darlene Howell Waller/Facebook

Instead of opening the entire box on Christmas Day, her grandson’s got to open each envelope on the first of every month. Some examples of activities nonna coordinated are movie tickets, tickets to a ball game, bowling, and a trip to the local stables to ride horses and have a picnic. This gift is all about the gift of time: spending quality time together as a family that doesn’t revolve around material goods.

source: Mum Central / Darlene Howell Waller/Facebook

This is such a beautiful, meaningful gift idea, and something that anyone could gift. Whether you’re a grandparent, parent, aunt, uncle, or sibling, an adventure box is such a wonderful gift that your family will cherish for years to come.