10 Game-Changing Cleaning Hacks

source: The Kitchn / Lauren Volo / AliExpress

Although some people find cleaning therapeutic, most of the time, cleaning is just a chore. Cleaning your entire home can take hours, but if you know a few handy tips and tricks, it can take a lot less time. These revolutionary cleaning hacks are the real deal!

1. Disinfect Your Microwave

It’s no secret that microwaves can get pretty filthy over time. To clean yours, heat up a bowl filled with water and a few lemon slices. This will generate steam, absorb odors, and make it easier for you to wipe down the stuck-on food.

2. Instant Air Freshener

To instantly make the air in your home smell fresher and cleaner, simply attach a dryer sheet to a plug-in or ceiling fan and turn it on! Your home will smell like a fresh batch of laundry.

3. Clean Your Toilet Brush

source: Met Daan

You’d be surprised at how big of an (unpleasant) odor a toilet brush can generate. Although they should be cleaned with hot water after every use, you can also just add some household cleaner to the toilet brush holder to keep your bathrooms smelling clean.

4. Kool-Aid For Your Dishwasher

To keep your dishwasher clean and free from leftover food odors, pour some lemon Kool-Aid in the detergent disposal and run it on the normal cycle (with no other dishes in the dishwasher). Your dishwasher will be clean and lemony-fresh afterwards.

5. Clean Your Blender

Blenders can get stuck with food residue and more over time. Simply drop a tiny bit of dish soap in your blender, add warm water, and turn it on! After you rinse, your blender will be clean.

6. Clean Your Blinds

Blinds can be extremely hard to clean, and so, we rarely do it. To remove dust from your blinds, dip a sock into a solution of equal parts vinegar and water, then put the sock over your hand and use it to wipe the blinds clean.

7. Keep Stainless Appliances Clean

source: Homeizy

If you don’t have stainless steel wipes on hand, not to worry! Just spray some WD-40 on a microfiber cloth and it’ll work just as well.

8. Eliminate Grease Stains

If your furniture or carpet has fallen victim to a grease stain, just mix together four parts rubbing alcohol with one part salt. Rub the solution into the stain, let it sit, then vacuum up any leftover residue.

9. Dry Your Clothes Faster

source: Rentinc / iStock

If you’re waiting on a load of laundry to come out of the dryer, throw a dry towel in with the wet clothes. The towel will absorb a lot of the moisture, making your clothing dry that much faster.

10. Use Cleaning Slime

What’s cleaning slime, might you ask? Well, it’s similar to that “goo” kids are obsessed with these days, but it’s perfect for removing crumbs and dust from hard-to-reach places. You can find cleaning slime at most stores that carry household cleaning products.