The Easiest Way To Keep A Clean Home

source: Facebook/Lika Tegerashvili / Design Intuition

Cleaning your home can feel overwhelming if you leave it all for one day. Plus, putting off household chores only leads to further procrastination. If you’re looking to make a change and keep a neater, cleaner home, just follow this simple schedule!

source: VeryWell Mind / Getty Images

Every Day:

Wash dishes and wipe the kitchen sink
Wipe down all countertops
Take out the garbage and recycling
Wash and dry one load of laundry

Every Week:

Wipe down kitchen appliances
Clean toilets, bathtub, shower, and sinks
Polish the mirrors
Dusting from top to bottom
Change the bed linens
Vacuum carpets, rugs, and upholstery
Sweep and mop the floors
Fold and put away the laundry
Do any hand washing

Every Month:

Clean inside the oven and microwave
Wipe down the inside of the fridge
Clean the inside of bathroom cabinets
Clean the lights, wipe switches and doorknobs
Vacuum the baseboards and vents
Disinfect the garbage bins

Every Season:

Clean the pantry, checking for expired items
Clean the fridge, checking for expired items
Clean the inside of kitchen cabinets
Wash duvet covers, pillows, and blankets
Wash the windows, curtains, and blinds
Sort through wardrobe for items to clean/donate/repair

Posted by Lika Tegerashvili on Wednesday, January 30, 2019