How To Make A Crock Pot Cabbage Roll Casserole

source: Spicy Southern Kitchen

Our crock pot is definitely my most-used cooking tool. We’re always extremely busy during the week, so I try to plan out dinners that require little prep time. And that’s exactly where the crock pot comes in! Just dump the ingredients in, go about your day, and come home to a warm, ready-made meal that the whole family will enjoy.

source: Spicy Southern Kitchen

Speaking of such recipes, the one we’re about to share with you is a must-try. Spicy Southern Kitchen has shared a recipe for crock pot cabbage roll casserole that’s delicious, hearty, and even pretty healthy. This recipe has all the flavor of cabbage rolls, but involves a fraction of the prep time.

source: Spicy Southern Kitchen

This recipe only takes 15 minutes to prepare. Then, all you have to do is dump the ingredients in and set your crock pot to low for around five hours. The last 10 minutes of cooking time is when you remove the lid, add some mozzarella to the pot, and cover back up so that it melts. I don’t know about you, but I’m sold!

source: Spicy Southern Kitchen

Click here for Spicy Southern Kitchen’s full list of ingredients and recipe directions. Happy cooking – or should I say, “Happy crock-potting!