The Benefits Of Burying Tea Bags In The Garden
After you’ve finished brewing a cup of tea, you likely either throw out the tea bag or toss it in the compost bin (hopefully, it’s the latter!). However, did you know that there are actually multiple benefits to reusing tea bags? After reading this article, we can bet you won’t be throwing out your used tea bags anymore!
Firstly, brewing some tea and letting the water cool is an excellent remedy for a sunburn. Tea is full of antioxidants, and applying the brewed solution to a sunburn can help relieve the pain and speed up the healing process. Brewed green tea bags are also great for relieving puffy, tired undereyes.
However, one of the best reasons for reusing tea bags has to do with your garden. Tea leaves contain natural acid and a whole host of nutrients. If you bury a used tea bag in your garden, it can act as a natural fertilizer for the soil and plants. However, you won’t want to try this tip if you have lots of plants that require more neutralized soil.
Burying tea bags in your garden is also a great way to keep pests away. They don’t like the smell of tea leaves, and will be far less likely to munch on your plants as a result. Burying tea bags is also a great way to fight fungus and prevent weeds from growing. If you want to learn even more ways burying tea bags can help your garden thrive, check out the video below!