How To Repurpose A Plastic Produce Container Into A Tiny Greenhouse

source: Goods Home Design / A Song Of Sixpence

I’ve definitely made strides towards becoming more environmentally friendly over the past few years, especially when it pertains to grocery shopping. Though I try to avoid buying produce that comes in single-use plastic, sometimes this is just inevitable. Fortunately, there’s an awesome way to repurpose some of these plastic containers – to start your own seedlings!

source: Goods Home Design / A song of Sixpence

When you think about it, clear plastic containers are basically tiny greenhouses. They let lots of light in, and they also retain moisture, which seedlings need in order to thrive. These plastic containers are perfect for starting spinach, some herbs, and other microgreens.

source: Family Handyman

Isn’t it nice to know that you don’t need a designated vegetable garden, greenhouse, or a ton of space to grow your own greens? A few plastic containers, a bit of soil, and some seeds are all you need to enjoy some fresh produce in the comfort of your own home.

source: Shutterstock

Click here for instructions on how to start your own seedlings in plastic containers from Goods Home Design. This would be such a fun and easy afternoon project, and you’ll also feel good knowing that you can use some single-use plastic containers for an amazing purpose!