14 Long-Flowering Perennials To Spruce Up Your Garden

sources: Cut and Dried Flower Farm / Gardener's Path | shutterstock

I’m a no-nonsense type of gardener. I want our garden beds to look good, but I don’t have much time to spend out there planting, weeding, and replanting. That’s why perennials (plants that come back every year) are the perfect option. Here are 14 long-flowering and beautiful perennials to incorporate into your garden this year.

1. Coneflower

source: Garden Gate Magazine

Coneflower is a beautiful flowering plant that produces pink and purplish blooms with tall stems. They thrive in sunny locations and don’t need a ton of water.

2. Phlox

source: Gardenia

Phlox is a beautiful blooming plant that produces clusters of flowers on the ends of leafy green stems. It comes in white, pink, and purple blooms, and does best in slightly moist soil with good drainage.

3. Yarrow

source: Verywell Health | iStock/Christopher Bernard

Yarrow is another great perennial option that produces small, colorful blooms in a variety of shades.

4. Allium Millenium

source: Cut and Dried Flower Farm

Allium Millenium is an ornamental onion plant that produces whimsical, purple blooms. A welcome addition to any garden!

5. Astilbe

source: Gardener’s Path | shutterstock

Astilbe (often known as Bridal Veil) is a stunning plant that produces vibrant white, pink, purple, and burgundy blooms. This is one of my favorite perennials.

6. Black Eyed Susan

source: Garden Design via Pixabay/darkmoon1968

If you’re looking to add a sunny pop of yellow to your garden, Black Eyed Susan is the perfect perennial for the job.

7. Catmint

source: Piedmont Master Gardeners

Catmint is a sprawling perennial that does a great job of attracting pollinators. It produces pretty purple blooms.

8. Lavender

source: Gardening Know How | iStock/ASIFE

Speaking of perennials with pretty purple blooms, lavender is a must-have in any garden. This plant is drought-resistant, attracts pollinators, grows very quickly, and has many great uses. Plus, it smells amazing!

9. Shasta Daisy

source: Gardener’s Path | shutterstock

Expect cheerful blooms from the classic Shasta Daisy from July all the way through to September!

10. Blue Vervain

source: Lurie Garden

This interesting-looking plant sprouts tiny blooms with a cone-like end. This perennial is hardy and can thrive in multiple types of climates.

11. Autumn Joy Stonecrop

source: Walters Gardens

With different color varieties available, Autumn Joy Stonecrop produces robust blooms. It’s a late bloomer, which means your garden will still have some flowering plants throughout the fall!

12. Bleeding Heart

source: The Old Farmer’s Almanac | pixabay

Not only does Bleeding Heart produce dainty, delicate blooms, but the leaves are interesting too! This is a great perennial option for adding some visual interest to a garden.

13. Sneezeweed

source: Gardenia | dreamstime

Sneezeweed is another late bloomer that produces vibrant blooms, and thrives in essentially any type of soil. Don’t let the name fool you – this is an awesome perennial choice!

14. Ice Plant

source: Connon Nurseries

And last but not least, the beautiful ice plant! This perennial produces long, slender petals and is another great plant for attracting pollinators.

With the warmer weather finally approaching, I’m starting to brainstorm what I want to plant in my garden this year to continue blooming for years to come. I now have a great list to draw inspiration from, and so do you!