5 Organic Gardening Tips for a Beautiful Garden

organic veg

A garden can be a great place to relax and get away from it all. 

But you’ll never get the most out of your garden if you don’t know what you’re doing or if you’re not willing to put in the effort necessary to make your garden beautiful and functional. 

Here are some organic gardening tips to help you design and maintain an organic garden that suits your needs.

1. Pick the Right Seeds

Buying seeds online may seem like a quick and easy solution, but it can prove troublesome if you don’t research.

Many vendors are based overseas, which makes it challenging to ensure that you’re getting heirloom or non-GMO seeds, and that’s crucial if you plan on planting in an organic garden. 

If you want fresh, organic seeds without hassle, check out regional seed providers.

2. Select Seedlings

The ideal time for seedlings is in spring, when temperatures are warm enough that plants can thrive without suffering heat damage. 

If you want to start plants indoors, it’s best to create them in early spring. At that time, most varieties of flowers and herbs will need four to six weeks of warm days (above 55°F) and cold nights (below 50°F). 

You can plant seeds directly into your garden during any month, but they will do best with several months of cool weather.

3. Transplant Seedlings

You should transplant seedlings with several sets of true leaves, which are larger and thicker than their seed leaves. 

Typically, if a seedling has been in its pot for about two weeks, it is ready to be transplanted. 

The best time of year for transplanting is right after a frost has killed off any weeds that could potentially compete with a young plant for water and nutrients.

4. Prepare the Soil

Successful organic gardening begins with good soil preparation. 

The better you get at growing in less-than-ideal conditions or soil, the easier it will be for you to turn a modest space into a highly productive one. Soil is an active living environment that’s constantly changing. 

Even if you start with good earth, without proper management of weeds and pests, healthy plants are difficult, if not impossible, to grow.

5. Plant Variety Considerations

When planning an organic garden, keep in mind that certain plants work well together when planted side by side. Herbs go great with vegetables, for example. 

Other combinations of plants you can plant nearby include sunflowers and squash; marigolds and tomatoes; pole beans and peas; basil and tomatoes; nasturtiums with beans or cucumbers; radishes with carrots or potatoes.


You’re working so hard on growing flowers and herbs organically because you want them to be as healthy as possible. 

You must understand each plant’s nutritional needs before fertilizing them with chemicals in an organic herb or flower garden. 

Use these organic gardening tips for a natural home-grown bounty. Do not let fears of foreclosures deter you from creating beautiful and bountiful organic gardens. 

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