How To Create Heatless Curls Using Paper Towel – 5 Steps
I love having my hair done, but I can’t stand doing it myself. It takes forever, and I always overheat due to the hot curling irons or hair straighteners. Aside from the overheating aspect, these tools can also be extremely damaging to our hair when used regularly. So, how does one get beautiful, bouncy curls without spending an hour with the curling iron?
Well, the ladies over at Cute Girls Hairstyles have found a solution. They managed to create gorgeous, long-lasting curls using none other than paper towel! Although it might sound odd, the paper towel creates amazing curls, and because this method doesn’t involve any heat, it won’t damage your hair. Here’s what you need to do.
1. Divide your hair into 1″ sections. Take a section and dampen it a little (you can use a spray bottle to make things easier).
2. Take about 1/4 of a paper towel sheet and twist the bottom of the hair section around it.
3. Roll the section of hair upwards around the paper towel until you’ve reached the top.
4. Tie a knot in the paper towel with the ends of the piece.
5. Sleep on the paper towel curls. In the morning, just remove the paper towel and you’ll be left with beautiful, bouncy curls!
To check out this method in action, click on the video below.