The 4 Types Of Terrible Tenants (And How To Handle Them)


Photo by Erik Mclean on Unsplash

Bad tenants are an inevitable part of every landlord’s life. As you try to manage your property and boost your income, you will run into bad tenants who will make your life harder. Even though screening potential tenants before signing a contract with them is a good idea, some may turn out to be terrible tenants later on. Therefore, you need to know the types of problematic tenants you may encounter and be ready with a plan to handle them. On that note, keep reading to learn about the four most common types of horrible renters and how to deal with them effectively.

1. Late Payers

The most common type of terrible renters is the late and non-payers. No matter how hard you try to avoid such tenants, there is a big chance you’ll have to deal with a few. It is probably your ultimate nightmare to deal with tenants who don’t pay their rent on time, make partial payments, or don’t pay at all. To avoid these scenarios, make sure the terms of the lease clearly state the correct payment procedure and what happens when renters fail to follow the agreed-upon plan. Additionally, you must treat all tenants as equals and don’t make exceptions; otherwise, you will end up with a dozen tenants making late payments. Some renters don’t intend to delay their payment, but unexpected circumstances may come up and affect them financially. For that reason, it’s best to give all your tenants a heads-up before the rent is due so that everyone, hopefully, would be ready to pay on time.

2. Wreckers

Plenty of renters redecorate their apartments, even though they’re not allowed to. They take the liberty to paint the walls, dig holes in them to hang their pictures and artwork, etc. Destructive tenants are probably the worst type because their reckless actions leave you with lots of expenses to deal with. Some of them simply don’t care about your property, while others may destroy it as a form of retaliation. That being the case, you need to take immediate corrective actions with those people. As per the previously agreed-upon terms, if the damages are beyond normal wear and tear, you have the right to evict them. If a tenant pushes back and refuses to move out, you should call the police. If you live in Temecula, California, consider hiring a locally-based property management service that will deal with problem residents promptly. Moreover, you should contact your lawyer to go through your options or file a civil lawsuit in case things get worse.

3. Complainers

Although it is crucial to establish a professional and friendly relationship with your tenants, some renters like to communicate and complain too much about every little thing in an attempt to renegotiate the terms of the lease. They will knock on your door and pester you with calls and texts just to tell you that there isn’t enough hot water or that the doors squeak too loudly. The worst part is that these tenants expect their requests to be dealt with quickly; otherwise, they can get aggressive and quarrelsome. Be smart when dealing with such irritating renters by providing clear steps that they can follow to submit their property-related requests, complaints, or emergencies, and assure them that their concerns will be handled promptly. Furthermore, try to give them a time frame as to when they should expect a response from you, so they don’t bug you every couple of hours asking for updates.

4. Pet Owners

Cats and dogs are not the only animals you have to worry about; many people nowadays own peculiar pets. Animal lovers now choose ferrets, hamsters, hedgehogs, and monkeys as their companions. Even though they’re cute and lovely to be around, pets tend to be destructive, which jeopardizes the state and value of your property. Ordinary pets like cats tend to scratch anything made out of wood, while dogs chew on possibly everything. If any of your tenants own pets, your property may become hard to rent once they move out because of the damages made by their pets. If you decide to avoid all this by enforcing a no-pet policy, make sure the lease states that clearly and highlights the consequences of bringing pets into your property.

Jose Alonso

As a landlord, you should expect to deal with bad tenants at some point or another. Therefore, you must learn to spot bad tenants and deal with them effectively and professionally. Make sure you try your best to avoid troublesome renters in the first place by screening potential candidates and asking them the right questions. Hiring a property management company is also a great option to consider to help you run your property smoothly and successfully.