How Long Does It Take to Sell a House in Norfolk?


Norfolk is one of the property hot spots in the UK that is characterized by great contrasts of rural scenery with stunning villages and town. If you are thinking about selling your house in Norfolk, you’ll want to have an idea of how long it will take before you can find a suitable buyer and complete the sale process.

While every seller dreams of going through the house sale process within a short time, the truth is that selling a house often takes time unless you opt to sell to a ‘we buy any house company. Hence, you need to understand what the sale process entails before you initiate the sale. 

The two most important things that are likely to affect the duration of time it will take to sell your house are finding a buyer and going through the conveyancing process. 

Finding a Buyer for your House in Norfolk

Finding the right buyer for your property often takes time as it involves listing the property on the market and holding viewings for prospective buyers. When your house is desirable with a realistic asking price, you can be sure to sell it fast in Norfolk. Conversely, overpricing your property only adds to the time your property will be listed on the market. 

The conveyancing process is preceded by the acceptance of an offer from a prospective buyer. Here, you will need to work with experts that help to take care of the legal aspects of the sale process. Although the duration it takes will vary depending on your circumstances, you can expect this to happen within twelve or fourteen weeks. However, the conveyancing process could go on for much longer if you are in a chain or you are selling a leasehold property.

Your acceptance of an offer signals the beginning of the pre-contrast stage that could last up to 12 weeks. It is at this time that the conveyancer drafts the necessary contracts as well as obtain documents to show proof you are the legit owner of the property hence you can sell it. During this time, they (conveyancers) will also respond to any questions from the lawyers representing the buyer especially those relating to surveys and searches. This process pave way for the exchange of contracts and confirmation of the completion date.

Before the completion of the sale, the conveyancer approves all the documents from the buyer to create a financial statement detailing the proceeds expected from the sale. The entire sale process may then be completed within a week following the exchange of contracts. By this time, you must have moved out of the property and hand over the keys to the buyer. 

How Long Does It Take to Sell a House in Norfolk?

With thousands of properties being listed on the Norfolk property market at any given time and an average asking price of £318,542, the time it takes to sell a house in Norfolk is dependent on several factors like the type of house among others. For instance, it takes longer to sell a flat (215 days) than it takes to sell a semi-detached house (123 days).  Data on selling time for selling houses in Norfolk is captured on Home with the time it takes to sell property being distinct from the time on the market as this only captures those properties that have gone through a complete sale process. 

How to Speed up the Sale of your House in Norfolk

If you don’t have the luxury of time to wait until you find a suitable buyer for your house in Norfolk, you may want to explore a couple of options to speed things up. Here are some things you can do to sell your house fast;

  • Engage and estate agent

Although you will require to pay estate agent fees, this is usually a good option to sell your house fast because they have the requisite knowledge of the property market and a rich network they can tap into to find you a suitable buyer fast. 

  • Sell to a quick house sale company

Quick house sale companies will purchase your house on an as-is basis, so you don’t have to worry about staging or major home improvements to get the property ready for sale. Even then, this option is only good when you are willing to sell the house for up to 85% of its actual value. 

  • Spruce up your house and stage it

You want to ensure that you are creating the right first impression for prospective buyers by sprucing up the house and decluttering it before you open it up for viewing. Buyers will often be attracted to a property that is clean and crisp.

  • Undertake improvements

Undertaking home improvements is a great way to help your home sell faster. According to Hometree the UK’s boiler cover experts, adding a new heating system to a property can increase the value by up to £10,000.

Overall, it takes time to sell your house in Norfolk. However, you can speed up the process by exploring various other options such as those discussed above.