50 Things To Toss Today For A More Organized, Decluttered Home

source: Den Garden / Flickr

We’ve just settled into a new year, and for many of us, that means making some changes. If one of your New Year’s resolutions is to streamline your home and get rid of clutter, we’ve about to offer you a great starting point. Here are 50 things to get rid of today for an instantly decluttered, more organized home (courtesy of Kids Activities Blog!). And remember, if you can donate something instead of just throwing it out, then do it!

  1. Old magazines
  2. Old couch pillows
  3. Movies you don’t watch
  4. Movies that are scratched
  5. Burnt-out candles
  6. Extra cords
  7. Games with missing pieces
  8. Old books
  9. Broken makeup
  10. Old makeup
  11. Old nail polish
  12. Old perfume
  13. Old toothbrushes
  14. Half-empty bottles
  15. Towels with holes
  16. Anything you haven’t used in the last 3 months
  17. Socks without a match
  18. Socks with holes
  19. Underwear with holes
  20. Clothes you haven’t worn in at least 6 months
  21. Clothes that don’t fit
  22. Earrings without a match
  23. Old ties
  24. Old belts
  25. Old purses
  26. Old hats and gloves
  27. Worn-out shoes
  28. Worn-out blankets
  29. Old pillows
  30. Expired food
  31. Takeout menus
  32. Restaurant sauce packets
  33. Old coupons
  34. Old cleaning supplies
  35. Cups with missing pieces
  36. Anything you have too much of
  37. Excess tupperware
  38. Rags with holes
  39. Expired medication
  40. Old mail
  41. Old manuals
  42. Old receipts
  43. Old paperwork
  44. Birthday cards
  45. Broken toys
  46. Happy meal toys
  47. Anything with missing pieces
  48. Things they [kids] never play with
  49. Duplicates
  50. Puzzles with missing pieces

Print out the list below so you can cross each task off as you go!

source: Kids Activities Blog