12+ Ways To Deep Clean Every Area Of The Kitchen

sources: Designing Bee / Furnish Home

The kitchen is the most-used room in my home. Between cooking, kids, and pets, it sees a whole lot of traffic and often looks like a tornado has passed through it. If your kitchen is also in need of a little love, check out the following tips for cleaning and organizing your kitchen – it’ll look like an entirely new room!

1. Clean The Grout

source: Furnish Home

If you have a kitchen backsplash, chances are the grout between the tiles could use some cleaning. Make a paste of baking soda and distilled vinegar, then apply the paste to the grout. Let it sit for about 15 minutes, then wipe clean with a damp cloth.

2. Organize The Pantry

source: Mom of 6

The pantry is often the area of each kitchen that could use the most help. Store like items in labeled bins or baskets for better organization. For example, group snacks in one basket, canned goods in another, etc.

3. Electric Stovetop

source: Designing Bee

To clean burnt-on residue from an electric stovetop, sprinkle a generous amount of baking soda on the stovetop, then spray it with some distilled vinegar. Afterwards, lie a warm, damp towel over the stovetop. Let it sit for 20 minutes, then use a scrub brush to loosen the residue before wiping clean.

4. Cabinet Under The Sink

source: Martha Stewart / PHOTOGRAPHY BY: BURCU AVSAR

To better organize the cupboard under the kitchen sink, use a tension rod to hang spray bottles and cleaning products from.

5. Freezer Storage

source: Simply Organized

Freezers are small, and it can be hard to locate which food you’re looking for. Use baskets to group similar items together. You can put frozen meat in one baskets, frozen fruit in another, etc.

6. Burner Grates

source: Practically Functional

To clean the gunk off your stove burner grates, put them in a Ziploc bag filled with ammonia. Let them sit overnight, then rinse thoroughly.

7. Cookbooks

source: The Spruce

Don’t just shove all of your cookbooks someplace and call it a day. Group them together in a crate, basket, or magazine holder.

8. Stainless Steel Appliances

source: Today Show

To clean your stainless steel appliances, apply a small amount of olive oil to a microfiber cloth or paper towel. You can use the olive oil to clean and polish your appliances.

9. Clean Cupboards

source: wikiHow

To clean grease and grime from your kitchen cabinets, fill a bucket with hot, soapy water. Use a sponge to wipe down your cabinets. Follow with a damp cloth, then a clean, dry one.

10. Pendant Lights

source: Houzz

If you have glass pendant lights in your kitchen, remove the glass part and pop them in the dishwasher! It’s the easiest way to clean and shine them up.

11. Knife Block

source: Entertaining Grace

Over time, knife blocks can become filled with dust and dirt. Remove all the knives from their slots and use the small attachment on the vacuum to suck up the residue.

12. Polish Faucets

source: Pinterest

To polish your stainless steel or chrome faucet, rub it down with a piece of wax paper. The wax will also help the faucet to repel water and prevent water stains.

13. Cutting Board

source: Pinterest / ALittleCraftInYourDay

To clean and disinfect your wooden cutting board, sprinkle some coarse salt over top. Use the fleshy side of the lemon to work the salt into the board. Afterwards, rinse and pat dry.