12 Things To Get Rid Of For A More Organized, Streamlined Home
It’s so incredibly easy to collect stuff. If you have kids, this is even more true. However, all that stuff just builds up over time to become clutter, and your house can look like a real disaster as a result. Give your home a fresh, more streamlined feel by doing away with these 12 things.
1. Old Magazines And Mail
It’s incredible how much space old magazines, mail, and other piles of paper can take up. If it’s not important, into the recycling it goes!
2. Unwanted Gifts
It’s always awkward when someone gifts you something you don’t like or have no use for. But holding on to that stuff won’t do you any good in the long run, so it’s best to donate it.
3. Clothing
We’re not suggesting you give away all of your clothing. But if you have stuff that you never wear or that doesn’t fit, why not just donate it and free up some closet space?
4. Takeout Condiments
Most of us have a drawer where we stash condiments from takeout orders. But you’re never going to use them, so just toss them.
5. Old Electronics
You know those old cellphones and iPods you have hanging around that either don’t work, or will never be used? Take them to an electronics store where they can be properly recycled.
6. Anything Broken
Many of us hang on to broken items with the attitude that we’ll fix it sometime soon. But if it’s lying around broken and you haven’t missed it, it’s best to just throw it out.
7. Plastic Cups
You know those cheap plastic cups that appear from different places and events? They’re unsightly, and you have other cups. It’s time for the recycling.
8. Expired Makeup
Yes, makeup does have an expiry date. Check your products and toss the expired ones! Your skin will thank you.
9. Expired Medication
On that note, check all of the medication you have stashed in your medicine cabinet. Chances are, a lot of it has expired.
10. Exercise Equipment
You know that treadmill that’s been sitting untouched in your basement for the last few years? If you’re not using it, sell it and free up some space.
11. Old Furniture
If you inherit furniture that you don’t like or don’t have space for, don’t let it sit in your basement. Sell it if it’s worth something, or donate it if it’s not.
12. Textbooks
Chances are that you’re never going to need your old college textbooks ever again. If you can sell them, you’ll be able to make a few bucks. If not, donate them to a library, used bookstore, or thrift center.